
1、 「月之影 影之海」第一章
2、 「月之影 影之海」第二章
阳子等人受到妖魔的追击。在这个危急的时刻,阳子绝望地呼唤景麒现身相救,但景麒始终没有出现。押送他们去县城的两个村民已经被妖魔杀死了,此时妖魔正虎视眈眈的望着阳子、杉本和浅野三人,但不知为什么,它们仿佛有所畏惧不敢立刻攻击。在“冗佑”的作用之下,阳子突然挥刀杀死了妖魔的头领,其他的妖魔见头领已死渐渐散去。 与此同时,在雁国的大街上,延麒六太正匆忙地赶去见延王尚隆。这位风流倜傥的王,即位之后就曾因为耽于玩乐、不理朝政,而屡屡受到朝中众大臣的指责。但这些都只不过是尚隆故意制造的假象。其实,他是一位头脑清醒、有勇有谋的明君。六太此时赶来,是要向延王尚隆汇报庆国的情况:自从庆国国王予王驾崩以后,庆国国内起了内乱,妖魔横行,最近却突然有新王即位。事有蹊跷,六太怀疑庆国这个新王是个冒牌货。延王尚隆对此却满不在乎,无奈之中,延麒六太决定亲自去庆国查看一下……
3、 「月之影 影之海」第三章
上集说到杉本抬起头来,看到一个背影酷似景麒的人。这个人转过头来,竟然不是景麒,而是一个神情忧郁的女子。她就是稿麟。稿麟站在悬崖上,审视着站在空地上的杉本,终于,稿麟对杉本缓缓地说道:有人需要你。 野心勃勃的杉本欣喜若狂,迫不及待地想跟稿麟走。不远处,浅野正在安慰失声痛哭的阳子,并不知道杉本所发生的变化。 阳子的情绪刚刚稳定,杉本回来了。她是来向浅野和阳子辞别的。踌躇满志的杉本,对这个世界将要赋予她的使命充满了憧憬。她早就想摆脱阳子和浅野这样平凡的人,去开始自己充满挑战性的新生活了。阳子和浅野听到杉本的决定,都大吃一惊,而杉本根本不想对阳子和浅野多做解释,她转身走了,浅野追了过去。四周静得可怕,只有阳子留在原地。过了许久,浅野一个人回来了,他决定留下来。对此,阳子的心中充满了感激……
4、 「月之影 影之海」第四章
Auzaru tells Youko that nobody cares about her, and how nothing would change if she were to die. He shows her a collection of masks.. With the faces of everyone in her life. He puts them on one by one mimicking the voices of Sugimoto and Asano.. Making Youko feel worthless. She says she doesn't believe him and he tells her to beware of Takki.. For she isn't who Youko thinks she is. Just then he dissapears and Youko finds herself inside a tent. She comes outside and finds Takki and the rest. They've all been looking for her. Later that night at a inn Takki tells Youko that the next morning Asano should stay behind in the room while they go to meet her mother.. That way less attention would get brought to them. Youko agrees. In the morning Asano watches out the window as the 3 girls leave.. He argues with himself about why Sugimoto is being so shy around him. Outside his room a old man heres him talking and walks in.. He understands what Asano is saying. Meanwhile in town, the girls arri
5、 「月之影 影之海」第五章
Kourin tells Sugimoto how it was her who saved her when she first arrived in this land. She tells her that there is someone that needs her help and to come with her. Sugimoto agrees gladly thinking that her time has finally come and she is the chosen one. Asano is still comforting Youko as Sugimoto walks up to get her bag. She tells them that she's going on alone and that Youko is the reason the youma have been attacking. Asano tries to stop her but its no good. Youko and Asano are now alone. They find a strange glowing tree and spend the night under it. The next morning they go to town to try to get some food but no one is willing to hire them. That night while in the woods Asano goes to try to find that tree again while Youko stays behind. Auzura appears before her again and shows her visions of her teacher and mother talking badly about her. He puts on a mask of Asano and mocks him saying that he is only using Youko for her abilities. Auzaru tells Youko to kill Asano, but just then
6、 「月之影 影之海」第六章
In Kou, King Kou is yelling at Kourin for not allowing Sugimoto to finish off Youko. King Kou sends Sugimoto off to a house out in a field where he will allow her to live. Back in the forest Youko awakes in a house.. She is greated by what seems to be a giant talking rat.. His name is Rakushun and he tried to get her to eat. He finally gets her to eat some peaches. When he leaves to go get some water, Auzaru appears and tells her not to trust the rat. Rakushun comes back in. Youko asks him if he knows Keiki, but Rakushun doesn't know him. Just then a officer comes to the door and Youko hides. He tells Rakushun how their looking for a man and woman (Asano and Youko) and that theres a reward. He tells them he knows nothing of it. Youko asks him why shes doing this and he says because he wants to help her. Later that night Rakushun tells Youko about the twelve kingdoms and how it was created. That night when Youko is alone in her room, Auzura appears and tells her the rat will betray her.
7、 「月之影 影之海」第七章
The group of Kochou attack and Youko kills them. Rakushun gets trampled by the villagers and knocked out during the action. The guards come running out and Youko thinks about killing Rakushun before she leaves so he won't turn her in.. But she runs away instead because she is afraid the guards will give her a hard time for being a kaikyaku. Back in the woods Auzaru appears and asks her why she didn't kill Rakushun.. She replies saying he was her friend. He puts a mask of Rakushun on and says he will turn her in. He tells her that she cares about nothing and she only cares about herself. She finally stands up to him and tells him that she will do whatever she wants and he doesn't control her. She is fed up with him and approaches him with her sword. She tells him she is glad she didn't kill Rakushun. He calls her a fool and she slashes him with the sword as he falls lifelessly into a bush.. She has finally freed herself from Azura. She goes back into town to find Rakushun but no one see
8、 「月之影 影之海」第八章
Sugimoto is shown talking to King Kou.. Turns out he wants to her service once again. He gives her a sword and tells Kourin to place her hinman on her again. This changes Sugimoto's appearance making her look different. As she is ready to set out she realizes Kourin has fallen ill.. She runs out of the room. Sugimoto arrives at the dock where Youko is and she goes on the same ship as Youko will be traveling on. As the ship takes off she realizes Youko isn't on it. Youko purposely stayed behind because she didn't wanna involve the nice family who helped her anylonger. She goes on a smaller boat that will catch up with ship later. While on the ship Sugimoto meets a hanjyuu who is traveling to En so he can live freely. Youko catches up with the ship and boards it. She ends up standing in the same area with Sugimoto but she doesn't reconigze her due to her hinman. Just then a group of men are harassing the hanjyuu, commanding him to turn back into his human form. Just as they are about to
9、 「月之影 影之海」第九章
The episode opens in En. We see Youko getting off the ship.. As she's looking around she hears a familiar voice call her name.. It's Rakushun. He tells her he is glad she made it and how he has been waiting for her. He tries convincing her that the Kochou inncindent was his fault.. She cried and hugs him. Elsewhere in town Sugimoto is shown looking around, she runs into a group of men who know she is a kaikayu, and they take her to the government office. There she meets with a woman, it turns out this place helps kaikayu in En get a home. Enki walks in and recognizes her and decides to help her out. Youko and Rakushun check into a inn for the night. Youko tells Rakushun more about Keiki and how he brought her there. The next day Youko and Rakushun come across a school.. There they meet the teacher named Heki, he tells them he too is a kaikayu. He tells Youko about Reboku trees and how babies are born from them. While going in depth about her story of Keiki they realize that Youko was c
10、 「月之影 影之海」第十章
As King En is introducing himself to Youko, they are attacked by a second force of youma. Youko takes out the leader of the pack and the rest withdrawal. King En then takes Youko to his personal inn. She tells him her story and how she doesn't think she is a queen. King En explains to her how her sword creates illusions and unless she learns to conquer it, it will continue to haunt her. Just then Enki walks in, Youko is shocked and has realized she has seen this boy before. King En tells Youko to come to his palace with him. She agrees. She goes to get Rakushun but he is hesitant to go with her now that shes going to be a queen.. Finally she talks him into knowing that nothing has changed. They arrive at the palace just before night hits. Youko enjoys the view of the sea from the top of the palace. King En shows them around and after Youko takes a bath she comes out to find Rakushun.. As a human. Finding him attractive, Youko feels embarassed after the way she treated him as a rat. The
11、 「月之影 影之海」第十一章
King En's servant explains to Youko and Rakushun how King En was once a the son of a king back when he was a taika. His father, and the entire kingdom was destroyed by a rival group. With his father gone.. He became the leader of the group. They found a new land to live in but war still seemed to follow them. The servant also tells them how Enki was found by his nyokai. He was brought back to the Twelve Kingdoms and raised. He discovered he was a kirin and knew he had to choose a king for En. In a rage of frusteration he created a shoku and came to the land that the soon to be King En was at. They met eachother and King En wanted to him to leave so he wouldn't be harmed by the battle about to begin. Enki decided that he was the one.. And saved him from death in the battle. He bowed to him and made him the king. They came back to the Twelve Kingdoms and that is how King En came to be the ruler of En.
12、 「月之影 影之海」第十二章
Youko and Rakushun are shown outside their room talking about how Youko will become queen and save Keiki. Later on Youko looks into her sword and it shows her visions of how the last ruler of Kei failed to be a good queen and how it saddended Keiki.. Youko is afraid she will make the same mistake. Back in the village Heki explains to Sugimoto how he was once like her.. And how she should change her ways and soon. Sugimoto ignores him and runs off only to find King Kou.. He tells her that Youko must still be killed, Sugimoto agrees. Back at the palace Enki explains to Rakushun and Youko how what King Kou is doing is against the wills of the heavens and can't be allowed. Youko goes to town and sees visions in her sword of Sugimoto arguing with Heki. At the palace, King Kou goes to meet King En.. King Kou argues that Youko is a fake queen and King En tells him he knows about how he set up the false queen of Kei and kidnapped Keiki. King Kou denies it and leaves. Back in the town Heki is t
13、 「月之影 影之海」终章
King En yells to King Kou to give it up. Before Kou can speak Kourin appears. Everyone realize she has shitzudo due to King Kou. Enraged King Kou charges at Youko with his sword but Kourin stands in the way and gets stabbed instead.. Kourin falls and dies. Realizing what he's done King Kou wonders what will happen to him now and screams. Later at the palace Youko agrees to save Keiki. King En sets up the attack for the next morning. Before she goes to bed she talks outside with Rakushun. He tells her how much he wants her to become queen. Still doubting herself, Rakushun turns into his human form again and tells her that she was chosen for a reason and to trust Keiki's decision. The next morning Youko, Sugimoto, King En and his army are ready to set off. They arrive at the palace of Kei and King En tells Youko to find Keiki while he and his troops battle the defenses. Youko finds the dungeon where Keiki is being held, she realizes he has a spell on him and uses her magic ball from her
14、 「月之影 影之海」转章
Youko and Rakushun are shown in Rakushun's house discussing whats all happened. Rakushun goes over with Youko about how the Twelve Kingdoms have 12 rulers.. And what exactly a kirin and ruler is. Youko tells him about how she got transported here, and how shes had such a difficult time here. They go through numerous flashbacks.. And give information on all characters, including Keiki, Enki, Sugimoto, Asano, King En, King Kou, Kourin and others.. Youko tells Rakushun how her friend Asano is still missing and how she is worried about him. Youko tells Rakushun she has to go and leaves him a special bird.. This bird can ""record"" voices and play them back to whomever you send it too. As Rakushun is holding the bird it replays Youko's message to him.. Which states that she is so glad she met him.. How she never would have made as far as she did without him.. And how she promises to make a great kingdom.