
1、 ZZ的前奏曲
2、 香格里拉的少年
在格里普斯2的攻防中受伤的阿伽玛,为了修理停靠了side 1的殖民地“香格里拉”。住在那里的垃圾店少年捷多,偶然救助了亚赞,然后计划和同伴一起偷走Z高达。
3、 安多拉的骑士
4、 热血的马修马
被Z高达击破的马修马在等反击的机会。寻找阿伽玛的捷多们目睹了马修马的出击。捷多说被抢先很辛苦,所以坚持马修马的卡尔斯J ,试图阻止它......。
5、 杰多的决心
6、 兹萨的威胁
Deciding that he has no choice but to become more ruthless if he hopes to beat the Zeta Gundam, Mashymre Cello uses the new mobile suit Zssa to attack the residential area of the city. Concerned about the hospital where Kamille Bidan is being treated, Fa Yuiry intercepts it with the Methuss as Astonaige Medoz boards the Zeta, trying to prove that Judau Ashta isn't as special as the others think he is.
7、 卡萨的风暴
At last, Judau Ashta is a member of the Argama crew. A team of three Gaza-Ds attack, but Judau is away negotiating with the junk dealers association for clearance to open an industrial airlock hatch. They're saved from this tight spot by a core fighter flown by a girl named Roux Louka from the La Vie En Rose.
8、 镇魂钟二度响起
After sneaking into a meeting of the junk dealers association, Judau and his friends mistakenly signal that the ship can use the industrial airlock hatch to escape. Gemon and Yazan, piloting two Gezes, attack the Zeta Gundam, and the Endra has the Argama in its sights. But the hatch still isn't open...
9、 宇宙的杰多
Having finally departed Shangri-La, the Argama sets course for the La Vie En Rose. Chafing against Bright's command, Beecha and Mondo try to send a message that they're willing to sell out the Argama. Receiving their signal aboard the Endra, Mashymre sorties in the new mobile suit Hamma-Hamma.
10、 再见了!花
Fa worries about Kamille, whom they left behind on the colony. Beecha and Mondo send another message, prompting Mashymre to send Gottn to try and infiltrate the Argama and make contact with these collaborators. Judau sorties in the Zeta Gundam, but his beam rifle is still unplugged...