1、 一起美妙魔法吧!
Myamu wants to win the PriMagi, but first she’ll need a lookbook. And before she can get a lookbook, she’ll need a partner! Wow, becoming a PriMagi star sure is a lot of work…
2、 要上了!庆典舞台
Recon is an important part of honing one’s craft, so Myamu and Matsuri check out Miruki, another PriMagi star performing at a local festival. But there’s just one problem…
3、 时尚老大・日奈前来拜访!
So many new faces, but are Matsuri’s fellow PriMagi hopefuls new friends or budding rivals? Or maybe they’re both…
4、 队伍解散!?也太快了吧~
Wait, Myamu wants to disband!? She claims she needs a better partner, but is that the real reason she’s run away from Matsuri?
5、 快看快看!是可可爱爱的密乳哦(啪~嗒)
All’s fair in love and war… and fashion photography! Miruki won’t pull any punches to sabotage Matsuri’s big break, but Matsuri has luck on her side.
Lemon Kokoa might be shy, but she has big PriMagi dreams! She’ll have to find the courage to perform somehow. Maybe Hina and Matsuri can offer some inspiration.
An unexpected trip to the magical realm makes Myamu and Gramps butt heads, but Lemon’s ability to sniff out “key items” may just bring them together again…
Matsuri joins Hina for a training session to improve her PriMagi skills, but Hina’s intense routine and unmatched passion leaves her feeling the burn!
Lemon knows just what to do to cheer up Matsuri, but when Lemon finally gets her turn on the PriMagi stage, Matsuri will need to do the cheering instead!
While out celebrating Lemon’s debut, Matsuri and her friends take a look through their lookbooks to see how far they’ve come — all in preparation for the challenges ahead!
PriMagi superstar Jennifer makes a shocking announcement that leaves Hina feeling rattled before a huge performance. The show must go on, but can Hina shine in her condition?
Hina and Matsuri might be friends, but there can only be one PriMagi superstar! Which of their stars is about to rise, and whose will come falling back to earth?
Something is wrong with Myamu. Between her troubles and Matsuri’s doubts, the pair will have to pull off a miracle to get Matsuri to the top — but they’re up to the challenge!
Prince Amane is in trouble, or at least that’s what her PriMagi partner claims. Amane says everything is fine, but Hina suspects Amane’s acting skills are working overtime.
At a special training camp for top stars, the team of hopefuls must work together to survive the week, but some students don’t want to shoulder their fair share of chores…
An impromptu trip to the magical world with the mysterious Hughie puts Touma in grave danger, but Matsuri and her friends are on their way to help!
The stars of the training camp aren’t the only ones who need to get serious about their craft. Their magical partners have work to do, too!
When a magical rose reveals Amane’s hidden feelings, animosity flowers amid the stars at the special training camp.
During a surprise day off, the stars take a break from the cameras and visit the Magical Realm… but the magical paparazzi wants to put them right back in the spotlight!