





简介:  泰麒的卵果由于“蚀”从蓬山流到了蓬莱,之后10年,在除了女怪汕子以外的人都开始放弃寻找时,被热爱在常世游玩的延麒发现,并奇迹般的回来了。麒麟从小便在蓬山上长大,所住的地方称为蓬芦宫,每一任麒麟被称为蓬山公。回到蓬山的泰麒比从小在此长大的麒麟平易近人,让伺候他的女仙们非常怜爱。虽然贵为百年难见、代表祥瑞的黑麒麟,却因为流落时间太长,而不知道如何“转变”,也不知怎样接受天启、感受王气进而选择王。 此时,景麒来到蓬山,受女仙委托教泰麒转变和收服使令。然而一个天生的沉默孤高,一个胆怯敏感,直到景麒被女仙们大骂一顿才打破僵局。虽然如此,从人转变为麒麟、接受天启却都只是意会不可言传的东西。夏至,升山的人来到令坤门,泰麒历经周折,终于收服最强大的妖魔饕餮为使令,并选出泰王骁宗将军。之后一年,泰麒和泰王先后失踪,戴国国土荒芜。



「风之海 迷宫之岸」第一章1

1、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」第一章


The episode opens with a little boy out in the cold snow looking in the window.. His mother and grandmother are arguing over how he is spoiled and misbehaves. He trips and all the sudden it is one year later.. He is in a different part of town.. The location is his grandmothers funeral. Flash forward to present day Japan.. The same boy, now older is named Kaname Takasato. He is in art class having strange flashbacks of the inncindent. We see Sugimoto, having already met Takasato, she goes up and talks to him. She keeps asking him why he was spirited away to The Twelve Kingdoms.. Takasato doesn't want to talk about it. Back in Kei, we see Youko and Keiki flying to Mount Hou to see an old friend of Keiki's. When they arrive Keiki introduces Youko to Youka. Youka tells Youko about the special raboku tree here that gives life to kirin. Taiki, the missing kirin of Tai is brought up and Keiki tells about how his nyokai, Sanshi was born.

「风之海 迷宫之岸」第二章2

2、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」第二章


Youka continues her story of Taiki: Taiki wakes up in his new bedroom. He is greeted by Sanshi. Youka tells him how happy she is that he's back, she tells him about his past and how he is a kirin. The next day when Taiki woke up Sanshi bathes him. When he goes to eat he doesn't understand why he must eat alone.. Youka explains to him that kirin eat alone.. But Taiki insists that everyone comes to eat so no food is wasted. Afterwords, Youka takes him to a chamber that has a giant replica of The Twelve Kingdoms so Taiki can be a little more familiar with where he is. That night Sanshi and Taiki play hide and seek games with eachother. While Taiki is bathing in a stream he meets a man named Kenro Shinkun, he helps explain to Taiki that he will be able to transform soon enough. As he leaves they see what appears to be his youma.. Back in the palace Youka is explaining to Taiki not to worry about transforming and that it will occur naturally on its own eventually. The next day Taiki and San

「风之海 迷宫之岸」第三章3

3、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」第三章


Youka is still telling her story of Taiki to Keiki and Youko. As Goson and his men are kidnapping Taiki, Sanshi tried to help but gets cut, then Lord Shinkun appears and reveals to them how he is a god. The men stop and bow, Youka comes to take Taiki back while Shinkun warns them never to return. The next day Youka tells Taiki the time to choose a ruler is coming, and that he will recognize the ruler by a special revelation they give off to him. As the chamber maids and Sanshi are taking Taiki for a walk a girl whom is on the estate grabs his hand and tells him she is just like him, Sanshi appears and hits the girl. Later she reveals that she came from Japan too and wanted Taiki's help to get back home.. The council commands she stay away from Taiki and bans her from the palace. Realizing Taiki needs some sherei to help protect him.. They bring in Keiki to help teach him how. He asks Keiki how to transform.. Keiki has no real way to describe it and he makes Taiki feel bad. Taiki runs o

「风之海 迷宫之岸」第四章4

4、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」第四章


Taiki continues his sherei training, but has no luck. That night Keiki apologizes to Lady Gyokuyou about not being able to help Taiki out. The next morning it is time for Keiki to leave, Taiki thanks him and Keiki says the day he chooses a ruler he will be the first one to congradulate him. Soon after the ceremony for choosing a ruler began. But Taiki could not sense the revelation from anyone. That night Youka tells Taiki that when the person is not the chosen one, to simply say ""be well until the next time."" The next morning Taiki sees more possibly canidates, but none seem to be it. A tall man with crimson red eyes comes to see if he has the revelation.. Taiki feels scared of his presence and requests to leave. As he is walking with Youka he sees a youma resembling a dog. The owner comes out and introduces herself as Risai. Taiki enjoys her kindness.

「风之海 迷宫之岸」第五章5

5、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」第五章


Lord Gyousou and Risai take Taiki with them on sugu hunt. They find a place to camp for the night and Taiki explains to Gyousou that he is like fire, while he brings good things, too much of it can be a bad thing. He tells Taiki that he has nothing to worry about. They find footprints at a cave and decide to go investigate Taiki senses something just as Risai gets grabbed down by something. Sanshi appears to stop Taiki from following but he slips under her and runs down the tunnel. Gyousou follows as they both reach the end. A giant youma called a toutesou appears and attacks Gyousou knocking him out. Taiki is forced to face it alone. He does the chant that Keiki taught him to tame sherei and after a well fought challenge the sherei submits to him. They return to the palace. Everyone is amazed of Taiki's power to tame the Toutetsou. The next morning Taiki goes to visit Risai to see how she's feeling. Gyousou appears and tells Taiki it is his time to leave. Taiki is sad as they say good

「风之海 迷宫之岸」终章6

6、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」终章


The episode opens back in Japan. Sugimoto is talking to Kaname in a library. Later that night his brother, Suguru, sees Sugimoto and confirms with her about the strange things that happen around Kaname. Back to Youka's story, Gyousou is disturbed at the fact that Taiki seems dissapointed in him somehow ever since he became a king. Youka tries to re assure Taiki that Gyousou will be a good king. In Japan, Kaname is being hassled by his art teacher. Back to Youka's story, Taiki is being questioned by Gyousou. He wonders why Taiki disapproves of him. Taiki won't speak of it. As Taiki leaves the room he finds Keiki. Keiki came to congradulate him but Taiki tells him the story of how he did not recieve a revelation when he chose the king. Keiki says its best if he leaves. Taiki begins to cry. The next day Gyousou and Taiki get summoned to see Keiki. He sits in a room with King En and Enki. King En says he must show respect and bow, Taiki tries but for some reason he can't bow. Everyone thin

「风之海 迷宫之岸」转章7

7、 「风之海 迷宫之岸」转章


Enki gives us a lesson on The Twelve Kingdoms. He goes over all 12 kingdoms and gives information on each ruler and kirin. Among these kingdoms he gives special attention to Kei, En and Kou seeing how these are the kingdoms the viewers are most familiar with so far. He also tells the story of Tai, and the mystery of what happened to Taiki and king Tai. In addition he discusses all the major events that happened in this last book.


8、 「书简」


Yoko contacts Rakushun through her bird and they correspond. She tells him everything is all right in her kingdom while he tells her about his studies. He has qualified for a scholarship but must learn to do more as a man so that he can ride a horse and shoot a bow. She tells him that she's visited his mother and thanked her. She also visited the children of the now dead King Kou. She also informs her that she's had news that could mean her friend Asano may still be alive somewhere. Although everything seems well with Yoko, Rakushun seems to think that she's not telling him everything but he knows she is strong.





