
1、 性感决斗和语法警察
When Bonnie invites the ladies to a slumber party, childhood games reveal adult problems.
2、 可爱的小猫和一个小错误
Bonnie and Adam regret spending their first wedding anniversary with Marjorie and her new beau; Jill's attempt at a good deed becomes a moral dilemma.
3、 Tang和每个人的安全空间
Bonnie takes a trip down memory lane when she reconnects with an old flame, Rod. Also, Tammy volunteers to remodel the kitchen so it’s more accessible to Adam.
4、 宇航员和胖子的修饰
Bonnie and Adam offer relationship advice when they sense tension between Jill and Andy. Also, Tammy lends a hand when Chef Rudy opens a food truck.
5、 清醒的巫师和木工车间
Bonnie is concerned about Adam's safety when he decides to go skiing for the first time since his accident. Also, Tammy worries that Jill is sending the wrong message to the young girls they're mentoring.
6、 警笛和足球比赛
Bonnie and the ladies indulge Jill when she goes to extremes to get her relationship with Andy back on track.
7、 渴望和悲伤的茧
Bonnie is upset when Adam makes a big ticket purchase without consulting her. Also, Jill has an unexpected reaction when her dentist retires.
8、 带血的树桩和化学气味
When Bonnie can't decide what to do with the spare bedroom, bigger issues are uncovered. Also, Tammy attempts to create boundaries with Marjorie.
9、 鞭子和情绪化的婴儿
Bonnie has success creating a line of mocktails for Adam's bar. Also, Jill finds herself attracted to Bonnie's therapist, Trevor.
10、 非法鳗鱼和哈密瓜男
Bonnie and Adam's romantic dinner is interrupted as the other ladies struggle with love on Valentine's Day. Also, Wendy's new relationship becomes the talk of the group.
11、 大摇大摆的孔雀和奥莱利神父
Bonnie takes it personally when her new sponsee, Rod, gets inspiration from Adam instead of her.
12、 小舞者和临时野餐
Bonnie goes to extreme lengths to protect someone she loves. Also, Jill struggles to make sense of a messy new relationship.
13、 克朗迪克-五号和秘密家庭
Bonnie worries about Adam when his amends to a woman from his past doesn’t go as planned. Also, Tammy pays a visit to the steakhouse she once robbed.
14、 内啡肽和美味可口的食物
Bonnie struggles with her own self-worth after Tammy finds success. Also, Jill’s new hobby leads to an unexpected revelation.
15、 乙烯基地板和卡通熊
Bonnie and Tammy’s friendship is tested when they take on a big project together. Also, the women worry about a fracture in their tight-knit group.
16、 史酷比支票和索尔兹伯里牛排
Bonnie decides to get to the bottom of why her therapist, Trevor, has been so distracted. Also, Jill and Andy find themselves in a life or death situation.
17、 一个社区英雄和一个大转弯
The women attend a gala honoring Marjorie, but Bonnie's speech doesn't go as planned.
18、 我的同类和大计划
Bonnie gains a new outlook on her sobriety after dealing with difficult news. Also, Jill and Andy take a big step in their relationship.