
1、 新生
2、 选择
3、 作战
在B级排名战第七轮,铃鸣第一选择的场地是 "市街地区D"。战斗预计将在地图中央的购物中心进行,各队赶紧思考对策。三云修知道钢锁阵不能有效地发挥作用,决定把休斯的存在当作杀手锏。随着时间的推移,所有的部队开始转移。 游真和休斯的目标是尽可能快地会合,修也前往会合。战斗开始时,铃鸣第一队的村上和影浦队的北添发生了冲突,随后,影浦队的队长影浦和铃鸣第一队的队长来马进行了激烈的室内战斗。
4、 秘策
拿着黑色弧月的村上钢,和使用自由变换蝎子的影浦战斗在一起。随着炮手北添的支援下,影浦队一度压制住铃鸣第一队。然而在铃鸣第一的新战术下,影浦失去了优势!? 另一边,东队的奥寺和小荒正在追击三云修,影浦队的狙击手绘马让也加入其中。 然而,商场突然停电,绘马让打断了三云修的右臂。在影浦队和铃鸣第一的黑暗攻防中,村上悄悄攻击向影浦。 铃鸣第一的断电计划的打乱了所有人的计划!?? 而玉狛第二的游真和休斯终于开始行动了!
5、 无双
游真和休斯击杀了影浦,并向铃鸣第一队发起了进攻!可惜影浦的分数算在了伤害最高的铃鸣第一队。 游真和休斯试图行近战,但无奈一直无法突破铃鸣第一的阵型。 最终休斯巧妙得利用护城盾打乱村上的阵型!可最终修也受到了致命伤。
6、 判断
B-Rank Wars Round 7 finally comes to its final phase! Being gradually surrounded by Tamakoma-2 who got an advantage in numbers, Azuma Squad decides to withdraw. Tamakoma-2 struggles to score to join the Away mission. Can they pull off a victory?
7、 预感
Tamakoma-2's result for B-Rank Wars Round 7 exceeded Osamu's expectation, but the bad feeling he had from before the match remains. And now, the opponents for the Final Round are decided. Who will they face off next?!
8、 意志
Those who the Tamakoma Branch members happened to meet at a barbecue restaurant are Ninomiya Squad agents, their opponents in B-Rank Wars Round 8. After getting back to the branch office, Osamu and the other members start developing plans for their final match. However, a question posed by Hyuse to Chika creates a ripple.
9、 难敌
Yuuma gathers information about his next opponent. Through Shun Midorikawa, he goes to the border headquarters to get an introduction to Takuma Yumiba, the leader of Yumiba Squad. By chance, Yuuma ends up competing with Obishima of the Yumiba Squad...?
10、 另一个方案
At the Tamakoma Branch, they are developing game plans based on the information that each of them gathered, but it is hard to find the decisive factor to beat Ninomiya Squad in a shoot-out. Upon hearing Chika's decision in person, Osamu starts updating the strategy for the next match. B-Rank Wars Round 8 that will determine their destiny is about to begin.