
Donna has had enough of the Golden State. She misses Eric, who, although she doesn't know it, is headed West - despite his parents' objections - to declare his love and bring her home. Kelso, however, has decided he has found the woman of his dreams in Annette, who is beautiful and believes in him. Back in Wisconsin, Jackie is a changed woman, thanks to a change in boyfriends.
As punishment for Donna going away to California, Bob transfers her to a Catholic School, which means that Donna won't get to see Eric as much. Eric is determined to fight for their right to be together, until he sees Donna in her new school uniform. Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince them to tell Kelso what's going on.
Kitty joyfully announces that she's pregnant, but the reaction that she gets from Red leaves a lot to be desired. Eric and Donna continue their campaign to get Jackie and Hyde to tell the truth about their relationship to Kelso. A trip to the DMV seems to present the perfect opportunity, but Fez is the one who seizes the day rather than Hyde.
Kitty's parents arrive from Arizona, after being told that Kitty has some wonderful news to share with them. Kitty's news isn't what she thought it would be, and throws a damper on the high spirits. Donna learns a thing or two from Bea about getting people to do things, while Eric and Red learn a thing or two from the World Book about "lady problems." Kelso works out his feelings about Jackie and Hyde's relationship.
In a romantic moment, Donna presents Eric with a ring, much like the promise ring that he gave her, and caused their break up. For Donna, the ring symbolizes their enduring love and committment; for Eric, it symbolizes ugliness. To protect Donna's feelings, he decides not to say anything, but the secret gains a life of its own. Kitty is determined not to let menopause affect her life, but has a hard time living up to her committment.
The kids prepare to make a weekend college visit to the University of Wisconsin. There's only one snag in the plan: Donna tells Eric that Bob will not let her go to UW. Instead he wants her to visit Marquette, a small Catholic college. So Donna and Jackie visit Marquette, where Jackie spends her time worrying about Hyde; the guys go to UW with Red and a very irritable Kitty.
When Eric decides to buy Donna a meaningful gift, he ends up getting her an engagement ring. But after discussing it with the guys, he realizes they are too young and the ring was a bad idea. Unfortunately, Eric already told Donna he got her a surprise and on their special evening out, he's put on the spot and forced to make the biggest decision of his life. Meanwhile, in an attempt to lift menopausal Kitty's spirits, Red gets her a dog: Schotzy.
Eric hides the fact that he's failing math from Red because he wants to prove that he's starting to get serious about his future. Red is so impressed by his son's apparent maturity that he bumps Laurie from the adults' table at Thanksgiving and gives her seat to Eric. This makes Eric think that the time may finally be right to announce to his engagement to Donna. However, the woman that Kelso brings as his date to the Formans' dinner complicates this decision.
When Jackie's father is arrested for bribery, Kelso thinks she'll come running back to him. But when Hyde and Kelso get into a brawl over Jackie, Kelso accidentally shoots Hyde with a BB gun and all hell breaks lose. Donna and Eric argue over how Hyde should deal with Jackie's pain. Meanwhile, Fez realizes he has a crush on his boss at the DMV.
The S.A.T. scores have come in and everyone does significantly better than Eric. He's particularly upset by Donna's high score and blames her for distracting him during the exam. As a result, Eric enlists Red to help him buckle down and stay away from Donna until he retakes the test. Meanwhile, Kelso discovers that he may have a bright future and Jackie pushes Hyde towards a college career.