1、 穿越时空复活的男人 老夫乃织田信长是也!?
Oda Nobunaga is reborn as a Shiba-inu in the modern world. One day, at the park, he runs into his former acquaintances and rivals – all of whom have also been reincarnated as dogs
2、 牛奶人和草莓内裤…本能寺之恋!?
Akechi Mitsuhide, who was responsible for Oda Nobunaga’s death, appears to have been reincarnated as a handsome young man named Hideto. Cinnamon’s owner, Ichiko, develops feelings for him.
3、 犬中贵族、桶狭间之战再开…吗?
Ichiko buys clothes for Cinnamon. The dog park holds a barbecue. Ichiko considers buying a swimsuit. Cinnamon and the others become envious of Gilbert’s relationship with Lily.
4、 雨声是战斗的旋律 起始总是雨
Cinnamon is desperate to go for a walk, but it’s raining again. Lucky finds a new, questionable hobby.
5、 猎鹰狩猎! 打高尔夫!! 火热大叔们的活动!!
Cinnamon teaches us about hourougan, a portable ration used by soldiers in the Warring States era.
6、 够摇滚!!! 可爱❤最凶的男人登场!?
Matsunaga Hisahide, the rock star of the Warring States era, makes an appearance in the neighborhood.
7、 想要守护地球的和平…来自小狗乐园的爱?
Ai becomes obsessed with a morally ambiguous TV superhero, and Boo, Cinnamon and Lucky want in on the fun. Cinnamon discovers high-tech toilets.
8、 美食对决!? 有些味道不容妥协!!!
Cinnamon and Ichiko watch a horror movie, leading to all the expected consequences. Lucky and Boo rekindle old rivalries.
9、 被炉真暖和 极寒越冬寒风冬将军
Cinnamon discusses the wonders of modern HVAC. Ichiko and Cinnamon lose weight in the only way they know how.
10、 翘首以待的…夏天!! 用连衣裙和兜裆布来场堂堂正正的对决!!!
Lucky had a good time at the pet salon. Cinnamon wants in. Charlie gets a bait-and-switch. Julian is all alone, and Marutarou needs some social distancing.
11、 燃烧吧!人生和SNS!!!
The dog run gang discusses what they would do if they’d been on social media. Cinnamon brokers peace in the Oda family, and then fights over the remote.
12、 战争之小狗
The whole gang heads to Odawara Castle, where Date (Boo) Masamune had fought Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Cinnamon gets a tummy ache and reminisces about his first days as a dog.