
Lois finds Clark's lifeless body and removes the blue kryptonite enabling him to heal himself. However, Lois sneaks away before Clark fully awakens in order to protect his secret. Meanwhile, Chloe is desperate to find Oliver, so she turns to an unlikely source for answers. Jonathan returns to the Kent Farm with a message for Clark, and Tess awakens in a LuthorCorp lab.
当Lois从埃及逃脱后, 星球日报社雇佣一个名叫Kat Grant (Keri Lynn Pratt扮演并本集客串新记者取代她的位置,同时一个名叫Deadshot 刺客把目标标准了Kat,当Clark得知他的真正目的是想引出侠影后决定阻止他;同时Carter Hall来到埃及并找到Lois还告诉她关于自己妻子Shayera的事情。
Clark is stunned when Kara returns to Earth and tells him Jor El sent her to stop the dark force that is coming because he doesn’t believe Clark can handle it. Meanwhile, Lois confronts Gordon Godfrey, a shock jock radio DJ who has been crusading against heroes, after he threatens the Green Arrow. However, after Godfrey is possessed by the dark force, he takes Lois hostage and Clark and Kara have to come to her rescue.
为了使Clark重新振作, Lois邀请他参加他们的五年的高校聚会活动,在去的路上看到家中的乌鸦使得他回忆起与Lana和Chloe的美好时光而Lois对没有人认可她作为学生曾在这里呆过;Brainiac 5.0利用自己宗族的戒指带Clark穿梭过去和未来并显示给他看到自己父亲Jonathan去世的那晚的经过、Oliver现在的痛苦和未来的Clark与Lois在星球日报每天工作的场景以及他作为地球上最伟大的英雄超人的英雄事迹。
Lois decides to tell Clark she knows he’s The Blur, but she accidentally activates an ancient artifact that transforms her into the Goddess Isis, complete with superpowers of her own. Oliver and Clark reluctantly decide to ask Tess for help with Lois. Meanwhile, after Cat Grant witnesses Lois as Isis using her superpowers, she decides Lois is the Blur and sets out to prove it.
Clark is concerned about Lois’ safety so he diverts her away from covering the Vigilante Registrations Act by suggesting she cover another story. After he comes clean with her, an angry Lois tells him that she can take care of herself, but when a flat tire strands their car in the middle of nowhere, their plans take a turn for the worse and Lois ends up in serious danger. Meanwhile, Tess searches for a cure for Alexander, who is rapidly aging.
将军Sam Lane和自己的女儿 Lucy Lane邀请Lois 和Clark 共进一个令人震撼的感恩节晚餐,而晚宴中将军告诉Clark近来Lois的父亲正在大力打击超级英雄事件,并且自己正在招手准备颁布一项反超级英雄治安管理条例法律,为了阻止这项条例的颁布,Rick Flag对Lucy撒谎并使得Clark有足够时间离开来阻止将军,同时Lois为了Clark决心与自己的父亲一刀两断。
Lois finds a video made for her by her mother, Ella Lane, before she died. After watching the tape, Lois makes a drastic decision about her relationship with Clark that takes her to the Fortress, where she comes face to face with Jor-El and Lara.
In an effort to protect the rest of the team, Oliver decides to register for the Vigilante Registration Act to see what the government plans to do with the new law. As he suspected, it was a trap to lure superheroes to an undisclosed location where he is confined to a jail and subjected to a battery of brutal tests under the supervision of Col. Slade. Aquaman and his new wife Mera team up with Clark to free Oliver. Lois is frustrated when Clark continues to push aside her offers to help the team and sets out to prove she can play with the big boys.
Tess acquires a Kryptonian box that once belonged to Lionel Luthor. When Clark accidentally activates the box, he’s transported to a parallel universe where Lionel found Clark in the cornfields instead of the Kents. In this universe, Clark Luthor is a murderer and Lois is engaged to Oliver and both of them hate Clark. Clark must be careful not to tip off Lionel that he’s not his son while trying to figure out how to get back to Earth where the monster Clark Luthor was transported in his place.