1、 死亡娃娃
随着时间的推移、天气和沙漠的反对,CSI 团队必须共同努力,在 Sara 死于微型杀手的袭击之前找到她。
2、 黑暗餐厅
The CSI team investigates two unusual cases, one involving the suspicious death of a go-cart racer who took his hobby to the highway and paid the price with his life, and a murder at a hip new restaurant where patrons dine in the dark
3、 人间炼狱
4、 变性鲤鱼
5、 恐怖摄影棚
Grissom and his team investigate when an actress is killed on the set of a horror porn film.
6、 绑架风云
Grissom and the team join forces with Jack Malone, an FBI Agent from New York to track a serial killer. The crossover continues on Without A Trace S06E06 Where & Why (II).
7、 珍重再见
当过去的案件再次困扰着她时,萨拉质疑她作为 CSI 的未来,她 12 岁的汉娜不得不再次用所有新技巧来支持她的兄弟。
8、 谋杀游戏
霍奇斯在实验室里上演了假想的谋杀案,以便让他的实验室技术人员同事有机会玩 CSI,但对他们来说,他的行为背后还有其他动机。与此同时,在萨拉告别后,每个人都试图安慰格里森。
9、 打不死的蟑螂
该团队调查了一群地下暴徒。Warrick 最终成为一起与暴徒有关的谋杀案的主要嫌疑人,他对药丸的成瘾开始对他作为 CSI 的工作产生重大影响。
10、 与狗同眠
The world of illegal dog fighting is explored by Grissom and the rest of the team when they take on the case of a wealthy socialite who was murdered. Meanwhile, Warrick struggles to clear his name in the recent exotic dancer murder case.
11、 与牛共舞
Two murders that happen during Las Vegas' annual bull riding rodeo are investigated by the CSIs, who find that the murders might be connected to illegal bull breeding.
12、 葛瑞森的神曲
当 D.D.A. Klein 要求他们调查针对危险的拉斯维加斯帮派的大陪审团案件的几名关键证人的死亡时,Grissom 和他的团队正在与流感作斗争。
13、 殒落的小星星
CSI investigates the death of a little girl whose identity remains unknown.
14、 多普的末日
Brass, Catherine, Grissom and Nick work the case of a female victim found in an apartment building with a gun shot wound. Drops becomes a person of interest during the investigation, even though he is still in jail.
15、 万有理论
一头鹿被非法杀死,发现卡车后座有尸体的人显然给它穿了芭蕾舞短裙。这名男子在被捕时完全喝醉了,正在接受 Nick 和 Brass 的审讯,突然试图逃跑并被喷了胡椒喷雾。警察没有被喷雾吓到,然后用电击枪对他进行电击,他突然起火并死亡。与此同时,前台一个穿着锡纸衣服的不平衡的女人试图警告人们(包括 Nick)外星人入侵。在观察了燃烧的男人后,她后来被发现死了,身上有绿色的血。当其他人遇到同样的问题时,团队需要找出原因。与此同时,一对老夫妇去世了,显然是在睡梦中......但有证据表明这些案件是相关的。
16、 死亡两个半
17、 为了杰达