1、 流动人口
在 Grissom 和 Catherine 的领导下,两个法医小组及时重聚,处理了三项独立的调查:一对被谋杀的夫妇在可疑的拖车爆炸中被发现在床上;一个美丽的脱衣舞娘被发现死去并被扔在镇上最糟糕的地方;两具尸体在暴露在拉斯维加斯烈日下的汽车后备箱中放置五天后被发现被烘烤和腐烂,迫使 CSI “包裹”证据并将其带回实验室进行进一步分析。
2、 客房服务
3、 齿痕迷情
The CSIs investigate a man's claim that his wife fell down a set of stairs in their home.
4、 流星雨
The CSIs come across an abandoned military compound being used by a small cult. The CSIs grow suspicious when they see that a mass suicide has taken place, but only 11 of the 12 beds are occupied.
5、 口香糖踪迹
6、 苍蝇的秘密
一名 28 岁的单身母亲被发现死亡。最初,人们认为这是一起自杀,但凯瑟琳确定她是被谋杀的。此外,Ecklie 传唤 Grissom 反驳一名昆虫学家在谋杀案审判中的证词。
7、 一颗穿透的子弹(上)
该团队必须调查一名警察的死亡,该警察在枪战中死亡,在犯罪现场留下了数百发子弹。当事实证明索菲亚·柯蒂斯 (Sofia Curtis) 和吉姆·布拉斯 (Jim Brass) 在枪战期间与受害者在一起时,案件变得复杂起来。当事实证明这名警官死于友军射击时,团队必须找出是谁开了致命的一枪。与此同时,索菲亚想知道她是否开了致命的一枪。她决定隐瞒警官踏入她的火线的事实,担心这会毁了她的职业生涯。
8、 一颗穿透的子弹(下)
The CSIs sift through the overwhelming evidence from a shootout with drug dealers in order to determine who is responsible for the death of a police officer killed during the incident.
9、 人吃人的社会
10、 静止的时间
The CSI's are called out to investigate the disappearance of a boy whose father died four years ago. Soon a couple is arrested at a convenience store with a boy matching the description of the missing kid. The only problem is they both claim it is their son. Both parents have exactly the same picture of the boy, with a scar on exactly the same place on his face. They hope a DNA-test could confirm who the real parents are, but when this information comes to light, it lead to another bizarre twist, possibly murder.
11、 狼人
The CSI team investigates the murder of a man suffering from a congenital hypertrichosis, causing him to grow excessive body hair. Elements of the case suggest a connection with a belief in werewolves. The case leads to the victim's sister, who suffers from the same disease. Because of her condition, she'd been hiding from the world, but it turns out that she's hiding facts that are vital to solving the case.
12、 爸爸的小女儿
The CSIs investigate the stabbing of a motocross racer who was about to leave town with a young woman he had been living with. Also, Nick comes closer to finding the truth about his kidnapping.
13、 吻别
The CSIs crash an elegant party for the city's crème of the crème to discover who killed a young man. The case gets a bit more personal for Catherine when her father, Sam Braun, is one of the suspects.
14、 杀人犯
The CSIs must investigate when a party girl is injured and killed in a traffic accident.
15、 第三帝国的海盗
The CSIs investigate the gruesome murder of Lady Heather's estranged daughter, Zoe, who was found in the middle of the Vegas desert.
16、 化为灰烬
对烟囱中发现的一具尸体的调查导致 CSI 重新开始调查一起未破获的凶杀案,该凶杀案涉及一名名叫 Caroline Fitzgibbons 的少女。
17、 恋脚癖
The CSIs become the focus of a reality TV series, which follows them while they investigate a serial rapist, who recently gained access to a woman's apartment by posing as a fireman. Also, Warrick's work on the late-shift is causing problems with his marriage to Tina.
18、 意外的嫌犯
当一名学生因谋杀一名受欢迎的高中女生而被捕并受审时,嫌疑人的 12 岁姐姐承认了罪行。这导致法官在陪审团做出裁决之前给控方 72 小时重新审查证据。
19、 在劫难逃
20、 饶舌乐界杀人案
The CSI team is lead into the rap music world as they investigate the murders of three rival teen rappers.
21、 婚礼罗生门
22、 死期已至
23、 枪击奇案
一名被指控谋杀妻子和同事的男子带领 CSI 在繁忙的赌场中疯狂骑行,最终将自己和一名人质困在赌场酒店房间里。CSI 处理犯罪现场的证据,以确定该男子是单独行动还是有同伙。其中一名 CSI 最终以人质谈判者的身份介入,将自己置于危险之中。
24、 死亡的领悟
在本季大结局中,CSI 在自己的一个人的床边等待他在执行任务时被枪杀。One CSI 面临艰难的选择,即拥有受伤朋友和同事的授权书。与此同时,该团队还调查了一名男子被发现被火车斩首时的奇怪生活方式。