
Debra convinces Ray to let her join him on the golf course after she (once again) realizes that they don't have fun together anymore. Let's just say, it wasn't all fun.
When Michael stays home from school for two days in a row, Ray suspects he simply has homework he hasn't finished. While everyone in the family has an explanation for Michael's sudden aversion to school, Ray decides the tough love approach is the way to go – making Michael spend the day without television, games or comics. When Michael is forced to watch Ray work in his downstairs office, the sheer boredom leads him to finally confide why he doesn't want to return to class.
Debra and Ray are annoyed at the over-the-top affection Robert and Amy are expressing towards each other. In fact, Robert feels compelled to give Ray marriage advice (as does Amy to Debra at the newlywed couple's three-month anniversary dinner... a book called, ""Marriage is an Amusement Park""), much to his annoyance.
Debra persuades Ray to hire Gianni to do some remodeling in their kitchen, but they both soon regret it due to their friend's laziness. His hiring also upsets Frank, who believes he should be allowed to do any handiwork needed around Ray's house.
After Amy invites her brother Peter to stay for dinner, he makes himself at home on the couch and never leaves. Meanwhile, Robert overhears a conversation that hits close to home when the Barones and Amy talk about the difficulties of having a 40-year-old man living under the same roof with his mother and father.
After Debra's mother suggests throwing Debra an ""old-fashioned English Tea Party,"" Ray reluctantly agrees after she promises to do all the work. When Debra realizes Ray is planning something for her birthday, she suggests he change the theme to a Chinese banquet. Unfortunately, Lois has already started planning the tea party and now Ray must find a way to convince her to change her plans.
Robert and Amy convince their families to spend Thanksgiving together. When the Barones arrive at the Pennsylvania home of Amy's parents, they find that their differing family traditions encourage lots of lively conversation. If only the MacDougals owned a television set! Things start to come together when the families separate into Pilgrims and Indians for the annual MacDougal Thanksgiving Family Pageant. All is well until a bird flies into the house and Pat McDougal decides to ""put it out of it's misery.""
When the kids ruin Ray's dictionary, Frank shares how Ray ruined his prized jazz collection. After trying to make amends for his childhood mistake, Ray discovers that he may not have been the culprit.
When Debra accepts a position at Frank's lodge to help plan a member recruitment party, Ray begins to resent how much time she is spending away from home.
After realizing that Debra places bets with the kids on his questionable behavior traits, Ray is disgusted that his own children now think he's a ""doof."" When reflecting upon his own childhood, Ray remembers that Marie used to complain about Frank in front of him all the time – making him think his dad was a loser. Concerned that his own kids will think of him the same way as Frank, Ray contemplates how to get the kids back on his side.
Fed up with his wife's constant lateness, Ray leaves Debra at home rather than take her to the ESPY Awards. While Debra seethes over Ray's actions, Marie and Amy get into a heated debate with Frank and Robert when they air their own grievances about their wives' blatant disregard for the time.
Ray and Debra disagree over whether they should purchase an expensive dress for Ally to wear to a friend's formal 13th birthday party. Debra thinks they should, but Ray can't see spending $250 for a dress that will be worn only once. The price tag has Ray seething, especially since the mom he loves to hate, Peggy, is hosting the soiree. Naturally, Marie takes her son's side.
Debra is hurt when Ray receives an honorary doctorate and thanks everyone except her in his acceptance speech. He claims it was accidental, but Debra is quick to remind him of past snubs that were all too deliberate.
When Robert informs Ray that Amy filled him in on some juicy gossip about him, Ray decides to get even with Debra by sharing some nasty secrets of his own.
After the agent tells Robert he has a unique look, he convinces him to pose for head shots with their ""in-house"" photographer. But when Robert and Ray return for the pictures, they are surprised to find the modeling agency has mysteriously disappeared.
A young man, Sam Gilula, arrives at Frank and Marie's and everyone is surprised when he and Frank fondly embrace. Sam explains Frank had been quite an inspiration to him as a lad, a mentor in fact, much to Ray and Robert's disbelief. Later, Ray and Robert make fun of Frank, wondering how he could have inspired anyone.
Robert and Ray end up with the mother of all guilt trips when they decide not to help Marie with a home project so they can land a prime spot on the golf course. Their overnight wait in the car for a tee time becomes a brawl over their respective roles in their parents' future.