1、 危险的男人
2、 努力的天才/姐姐的出逃计划
努力与天才:茜组会不定期举行测试班级之间实力的实战演练,桩带领的戌班在某天的班级对抗赛遇上了未班,自称是天才的未班班长杏李,对班上成员隐瞒的秘密是…… 姐姐大人与逃脱计划:山茶花对于桩最近不太理睬自己这件事感到耿耿于怀,为了吸引桩的注意,她叫朝颜留下来把风,自己翘课偷溜出去,此时在高年级生教室上课的桩,突然有股不祥的预感。
3、 友好对决/男鬼抓人
友好对决:山茶花和朝颜是不合拍的搭档,个性也正好相反,不擅长团结合作,因此桩便请教总是形影不离的巳班成员茴香和桔梗,有没有什么办法能让她们两人感情变好。 男鬼抓人:包含桩在内的高年级生们,对从来没见过的男生充满兴趣,常常在下课的时候分享自己对男生的想像,对这种行为感到担心的华,为了让大家重新意识到男生很危险这件事,宣布要进行男的鬼抓人游戏。
4、 男人和女人/木兰的医疗术
男生和女生:桩无意间从华口中得知有关男生的冲击性真相,之后依据华的决定,决定把一切都告诉桩,包含过去曾经和男性忍者集团“苍组”有过交流的事,以及男生和女生之间萌生的,令人心跳不已的“那件事”。 木莲的医术:申班的班长,精通医术的木莲,本来打算悠闲渡过难得的假日,却因为没办法拒绝别人的要求,被一些小意外和拜托治疗的各种请求搞得非常忙碌。
5、 水果争夺战/独立与骄纵
水果争夺战:最喜欢吃东西的朝颜遇到一个沉重的打击,那就是她小心翼翼呵护长大的木通果被午班的雏菊吃了,而且宣称自己比任何人都可爱的雏菊,还向桩提出对决,要比比看谁更可爱,桩该怎么对抗呢? 独立与骄纵:丑班的低年级成员紫阳花有一个很大的烦恼,那就是班长紫苑和高年级的成员铃兰对自己保护过头,紫阳花为了让她们认可自己是独挡一面的人,向桩提出决斗,想借此证明自己的实力。
6、 转学生/怕生
Rindou the transfer student arrives, but she's not exactly what the girls are expecting. Having joined Team Dog due to her unusual background, Rindou's first big challenge might be winning over one of her own teammates!
7、 龙胆的决心/深夜的邀请
Rindou is slowly getting used to life in her new village, but some of the girls are in a hurry for her to take off her mask. Sazanka grows suspicious when Hana issues a late-night summons to Tsubaki and Rindou.
8、 最强的班/姐姐大人
Team Boar is back in town, and if it weren't for a certain quirk they have in common, they would probably be unstoppable. When Rindou wonders why Sazanka calls Tsubaki "Nee-sama," she gets a story about how Team Dog first came to be.
9、 蛇和男生/所谓的成果
Catching snakes is sometimes easier said than done, especially when shenanigans abound. Team Rooster returns after a long sojourn in the mountains, but have they achieved the results team leader Sumire desired?
10、 班长的烦恼/借出与借来
Leading a team isn't easy for Tachiaoi, especially when her members always seem to have ideas on opposite sides of a spectrum. Meanwhile, different team leaders employ all manner of their own approaches, as Benisumomo helps demonstrate.
11、 成名术/想受欢迎
When Rindou introduces Tsubaki to the concept of attractiveness, it doesn't take long before word gets out. Soon, half the girls in the village are practicing what they believe is a new and easy method for defeating men.
12、 劲敌/男生的画像
Attractiveness Jutsu is all the rage amongst the underclassmen, and Hinagiku isn't taking it well at all. Tsubaki's newest attempt to learn about men involves artistic renditions, but things are not always as they appear.